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What Is The Treatment For A Tooth Infection?

A tooth infection, also called an infected tooth or an infected cavity, occurs when a pus-filled sac forms in the pulp of a tooth. Depending on the cause of tooth infection, it can be known by any of the following terms: periapical infection - a painful tooth abscess which typically occurs at the front of the tooth root. The disease may spread to other areas of your mouth, as well as the back of your tongue, throat or gums, but usually the most visible symptoms are the presence of pus in the infected area of your tooth.

Tooth abscesses can be mild and subclinical or severe and debilitating. It is usually treatable with antibiotics and proper oral hygiene. If your dentist suspects that you have a tooth infection, he will usually examine you closely and take X-rays to determine whether he has found any signs of infection. If the X-rays reveal a possible tooth infection, he may recommend you see a dentist who specializes in treating dental infections.

Tooth abscesses are generally treated in three different ways. One is through surgery, and the second involves the draining of pus from the abscessed area. These treatments are all done under general anesthesia and can be dangerous, if not fatal, if not treated immediately.

The surgical method is done with an incision to remove the infected area. The surgeon then makes an incision in the mouth to drain the pus and tissue from the area where the infection has occurred. The pus is drained and the area is closed with stitches.

The second treatment involves draining the pus. The infected area of the root is first punctured with a needle. The pus is drained through this needle, and then the area is wrapped with gauze and sutures. The area is covered and left to heal for several days.

Treatment involves the removal of bacteria which are present in the infected area. There are several medicines that can be taken orally to kill bacteria. Antibiotics may also be taken orally, and will help to eliminate the bacteria that are present in the infected area.

Oral surgery may also be recommended to treat infected teeth. This procedure will involve the removal of the infected teeth and the root. The infected root will be replaced and the tooth will be put back into the jaw so that it can be used again.

Treatment involves more than just removing the infected tooth. In some cases, the infected tooth must be removed because it is permanently scarring. This is often a result of infection which has spread to nearby teeth. New teeth can be replaced through cosmetic dentistry after the infection is eliminated.


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