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Dentures Were The Best Options - Once Upon A Time

One of the worst situations that can arise is the loss of a tooth, or several teeth. Whether it was due to an accident, or some form of gum disease, losing a tooth can be devastating. In the past, the dread was amped up even more so when the realization sunk in that dentures were probably in your immediate future. See, fifty years ago, dentures,and bridges were the only real solution to replacing teeth.

Bridges worked well for single teeth that were missing. However, if you had multiple teeth missing, then dentures were your only real solution. And for some people, that felt almost as bad as walking around with a missing tooth - because even though dentures hid the truth of the situation, the reality was they were still missing a tooth.

But in a time when those were your only real options - what was one to do? Well, people had to deal with what was available, and then realize there were at least a few benefits to wearing dentures. They were as follows:

1) Having Dentures Created Specifically For Your Mouth Enhanced Your Appearance When dentures are created by a master of their craft, they are near impossible to detect. And once the set were properly fitted, the appearance they gave the person was 10x better than if they did not have them on. These results caused the denture industry to explode. With no other real options, dentures became a multi-billion dollar industry.

instead of covering up whenever they smiled, or being overly cautious when they talked, people began opting for dentures en masse.

2) Dentures Assist With Your Ability To Properly Pronounce Words For some people, missing out on teeth can affect the pronunciation of some words and letters. This happens to people who are missing their front teeth. The tongue presses up against your teeth to help pronounce certain words. Without the teeth there, it is difficult to get those words said where someone can understand you.

3) Dentures Aid In The Chewing Process Dentures can help masticate food so it digest better. The challenge begins when you try to eat certain cuts of meat, or breads that are hard. Beef jerky is tough to chew properly with dentures. And this is where implants come into play. Implants are rooted into your jawbone, so they don't move - ever. A denture implant is when an implant specialist drills four to six holes in your jawbone.

They then have a set of dentures created specifically for your notu that click into place with the implants. This causes the dentures to be "fixed" in place. These kinds of dentures are more commonly known as "All-on-4 Implants" or "All-on-6 Implants," depending on which procedure you decided upon.

Dentures are still being used to this day, and are still a growing industry - albeit at a much slower pace than implants. Dentures are a great solution, when you have no other options. But if you can afford them, implants are definitely the way to go.


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