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Common Signs And Symptoms Of Gum Disease

Are your gums red and swollen? Are you constantly plagued by bad breath, even if you religiously brush your teeth three times a day? While wearing your partial dentures, do you suddenly feel like they are not fitted properly?

Bad news: You may have acquired some form of gum disease.

Although experiencing this kind of condition can sometimes be painful, do not worry too much because it can easily be treated. Once you notice sudden pain and swelling in your mouth, it is recommended that you go to the dentist immediately to prevent it from getting worse. This short article provides a list of the most common symptoms of gum disease.

General Symptoms

Gum disease can be a very silent disease. This means that it will take a little bit longer before you finally realize that you have it. But usually, a person suffering from gum problems will experience the following symptoms:

a. Swollen gums.

b. Sharp pain in the mouth.

c. Gums tend to bleed when eating food or brushing teeth.

d. Gums suddenly recede, making your teeth look longer.

e. Teeth start to become separated.

f. Bad breath that does not go away.

g. Pus in between gum tissue.

h. Partial dentures suddenly feel loose.

Advanced Gum Problems

During the advanced stages of chronic gingivitis, the patient's gums may suddenly recede, resulting in the exposure of a toothâs root. Having exposed roots mean that your teeth will become more sensitive to cold food and drinks.

In addition, the gaps in your teeth will mean that there will be deep pockets where food and plaque may accumulate.

When you lose a lot of gum tissue, there is a big chance that your teeth will fall out. Advanced gingivitis can affect a single tooth or your entire mouth. The changes in your gums can also happen slowly or rapidly, depending on your health.

If not treated immediately, the condition will get worse, and it will lead to acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG). More commonly known as trench mouth, this condition causes the gums to swell and shed gum tissue. In several cases, the gums can also be infested with open sores.

What Can You Do?

A lot of people already have gum disease, but they are not fully aware of its symptoms. They will only realize that they have this painful condition during the later stages. With that said, it is highly recommended that you visit your Dupont Circle dentistry office regularly, and maintain good oral hygiene.

A dentist can diagnose gum problems through several methods. First, they can measure the gums using a periodontal probe. This can also be used for measuring the gaps between your teeth.

Then, your hygienist will scan your teeth using an X-ray to check the roots. Your teeth will also be subjected to a sensitivity test to search for spots where the gums have receded.


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