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Keeping Your Home Warm In Winter And Cool In Summer With Smartblind

Australia has a harsh climate with extremes in both the cold of winter and warmth of summer. While we all have our preferences (some people prefer summer while others can’t wait for winter), there are ways we can keep our homes at a comfortable temperature during the most extreme months throughout the year.

Having your home properly insulated is important in keeping it cool in summer and warm when it gets cold outside. Experts say typically half of your home’s heat will escape through the walls, windows, floor and roof during winter. During summer blockout roller blinds can help keep the harsh suns rays from penetrating in through your windows.

Many people don’t realise that a room can be significantly warmed or cooled using windows and blinds. Smartblinds are a particularly beneficial option, using the most advanced technology to deflect the summer heat and retain warmth in winter, it’s the healthier and more economical way of controlling your home’s temperature.

During the day, if there is bright sunlight coming through your window, you room will heat up significantly. In winter this heat will be welcomed but in summer this is going to make temperatures uncomfortable unless you have your Smartblinds fitted which will help keep the room cool.

The benefit of these blinds in winter is that they actually retain heat in the cooler months. Stopping the heat from escaping, Smartblinds actually help keep the heat in the room for longer.

Designed with the Australian user in mind, this product was developed and manufactured in Australia, making use of advanced technology and fabrics.

The no gap window protection system provides up to 99 per cent protection from harmful U.V rays. This is important because UV rays are potentially deadly, unprotected exposures can result in skin cancer. Australia has the highest number of people suffering from skin cancer in the world, so this is obviously something we want to avoid.

The Smartblind system offers a measurable difference in comfort levels but can also save you money, by saving on energy. In winter you won’t have to run the heater 24/7 and in summer, you can give the air-conditioner a break, this will help save on electricity which will result in monetary savings as well.

The product has been tested locally and there is no other comparable window protection system available in the country. An added benefit is that the Smartblind allows natural lighting into your home. This means you need less artificial lighting, resulting in more electricity savings.


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