Fitness Machines Versus Depression
Almost 15% American adults are afflicted with major depressive disorder. This alarming number is even expected to rise as the years go by. Hence, many studies are currently being conducted to fight off this malady. One remedy that is taken into consideration is the use of Vibration Plate Exercise .
What are these? Also known as vibration fitness machines or vibration platform exercises, these machines work by creating rapid muscle contractions similar to the contractions being created while exercising. Hence, it is like the person is exercising even when all he does is stand up with bent knees on the machines. The calories being burned are equivalent to that of exercising, too.
With that in mind, it is safe to conclude that the same positive effects that exercise has in relation to depression would also be produced using these machines. What are those benefits?
Release of endorphins. These are known as the feel-good brain chemicals. They are like morphine, the analgesic substance that relieves people from intense pain. They also produce morphine-like effects such as euphoria or runners high. People who exercise are less prone to be depressed. In the same manner, people who use the vibration plate exercise have lesser risk of being depressed, too. Relieves stress. One cause of depression is too much stress. A short workout can help relax a person through the release of brain chemicals and good circulation. It also acts as a form of distraction as it keeps the mind from being focused on the problem. For others, after the workout, new and creative ideas are formed to solve the problem, hence helping reduce stress. This can be attributed to freshness of the mind after several minutes of relaxation. Increases energy. When one exercises, the body, specifically the mitochondria (powerhouse) of the cells, produce more energy to supply to the body as it perceives that it is needed. When one is full of energy, the tendency to be depressed is lessened. Plus, the need to use the excess energy keeps one from lying down and doing nothing. Boost self-esteem. People who have high regard for themselves have lesser risk for depression. Exercise can provide this good feeling towards oneself, again, with the help of the feel-good brain chemicals. Other factors include feeling of fulfillment when a particular task, even something as simple as exercising, is completed. Improves sleep. Another culprit for depression is lack of rest and sleep. This makes both the mind and body tired. Studies have discovered a natural remedy for insomnia, that is, exercise. Although the exact mechanism is unknown, numerous reports and documentations have linked exercise to promotion of a good night sleep.

Vibration exercise platforms are especially helpful during times when the person does not feel like moving at all, much less exercise. These only need the person to stand on the platform for 15 minutes or more a day and the vibration would do the work for the person. When the time comes that the person feels better, then he or she can add some more activities to the vibration platform exercises, as recommended by the doctor.